Sunday, April 20, 2008


Tommorrow is Monday...
why everbody dislike monday..
but love sunday...
Monday is like another day like tuesday,wednesday and etc.....
please don't come...
someone or maybe you sometime think or mind about this thing....

But we must know,without monday,
a week will not 7 days,
a month wii not 30 days,
a year wil not 365 days,
so think carefully,
appreciate monday.....

for all my friend,
tommorow wii be our new semester,
so try speak english ok...
improve your english...
But the important thing,don't forget about Mother's Day...
Prepare present for your mother....
Continue later....

1 comment:

tiArA EmiLY said...

ok friend,
i'll appreciate monday more
n try to speak n improve my language..i mean, english
see ya!
see you!


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